8" Wide Build Your Own DIY Springer Front Forks Kit!

8" Wide Build Your Own DIY Springer Front Forks Kit!

  • $499.99
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Bitter End - Old School Choppers - One-Stop Shoppin' for Hardcore Choppin' !!

* We did all the hard work gathering the parts and cutting and machining the
heavy plate for you.  You get to brag that you built your own springer!!  
* This 8" wide kit is for "narrow glide" (Sportster width) hubs w/ disc brakes.  
* Kit requires separate purchase of tubing, rod, and common hardware (readily available from your local steel supplier and hardware store) -
parts list is included.  

Kit includes:
- Top Tree for Bolt-in Risers
- Chrome Fork Spring Set
- Polished Brass Spring Rod Stabilizer
- Spring Rod and Bushing Kit
- Rockers
- Spring Clamp
- Spring Fork Bridge/Tree
- Lower Tree
- Stainless Steering Neck Stem & Chrome Top Nut
- Spring Aligners for Lower Outer Springs
- Slugs for Rigid Fork Tubes/Trees & Rocker Bosses
- 19 Pg. Photo-Illustrated Step-by-Step Instruction Book
- $100+ savings vs. buying parts separately